Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers
For Sale

Friday, October 30, 2009

Weekend plans

Camillo and I are off to Bahia again today. We will spend the weekend on an island off the coast of Salvador. I am hoping for some photos to share at the first of the week. As this is at a private beach house, we are not anticipating Internet connection until we go into the city late Monday afternoon. 'Ya'all have a great weekend, ya hear.'
Marina - Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
(I have 20 minutes for comments on 'landscapes' then I am out of here - catch everyone else on Monday and Tuesday. )


  1. Enjoy!

    Well, of course you will! You don't need my urging for that.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Look forward to pics of that beach house!

  3. The boats look as though they are at a mariner in Auckland here. Did you have a good time away?
