Over my three years with this blog I have talked many times about Brazilian food – food is a very serous topic for Camillo and I – we eat and drink as a priority, so to find another way of talking about food took some time and effort.
You have to remember that we are in the southern hemisphere and it is winter. Winter in the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil is very moderate, some cool rainy days (in the 60-70) and the rest of the year is – well - hotter than moderate. (75-100)
This subtropical weather points all Brazilians outdoors all year around when it is time to eat.
Gotten this far with the story of outdoor food and it still hard for me to pinpoint outdoor food.
What foods are eaten outside versus inside? The answer is - whatever you can find on a menu indoors, your can find on the menu outside. Many of the best restaurants have sit-outside areas, and if you want to really eat in the sun there are bars and street seating almost everywhere on the streets in Rio. To tell the truth this is the limit to my knowledge, I have never eaten at a soccer game or out on the beach. I know there is beer sold, coconut water, ice cream bars, potato chips in very small bags, and boiled corn and chocolate covered peanuts. I have never
taken a picture or bought any of these foods outdoors. (well the beer and potato chips maybe) so what else is there to say.
I am going to say that given Camillo’s love of getting out on a beautiful Sunday and drive in a new direction, always following his stomach to a new eating opportunity, and given the nature of eating out on the sidewalks here, then all foods in Brazil are possible outdoor food. Our delicious fresh vegetables ready to be gazpacho on a hot summer day, and beef on the hoof watching you hike on by, and a Churrasco – all you can eat beef for every occasion, fresh fish and vegetable at the market make it easy to eat well outdoors here every day.