(my home away from home) Houston, Texas is the 4th largest city in the USA. Situated close to the Mexican border, it is a favorite shopping city for the (if not rich) well-to-do of South and Central Americas. In Houston there is an area of shopping and hotels call the Uptown, as apposed to the downtown, and the heart of this area is The Galleria. Over the years it has had new wings added until today it is a sprawling 3 story mega shopping mall anchored by a Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom's, Macy’s, the very excusive Sacs fifth Avenue (the 3rd floor is designer’s dresses and suits beginning at $1500.00 – don’t ever shop there, even the sales too rich for my blood), and a below ground ice skating rink, and there are 100s of boutiques laced throughout.
Rainbows – yes colors I am getting to it.
The galleria is a favorite shopping place for me. I look (LOOK?) at the new styles, the fashion trends, the glitzy window dressings and the COLORS. Today Marissa and I walked the length and the breadth of the galleria and found COLORS -
Do you remember a time when shoes were white, black, gray or brown? Do you remember when tennis shoes were white? Today - whether for men, women or children look what I found today -
I can’t wear this type of heals any more but aren't the colors wonderful?
to go along with these shoes were
What fun! to wear such color –
every color of the RAINBOW.