This year Camillo and I are enjoying our 19th year together. How did that happen? Over the years there have been many things to argue about. Oh yah, between two strong willed and stubborn people, there can be arguments about nearly everything. But we found out right away that we can do two things in total accord: remodel homes and buy furniture, and travel together. I guess that is really 3 things, remodeling homes being different that buying furniture and the accord coming from him often, capitulating to my opinions on how a house should feel when finished.... feelings being such a woman’s thing don’t you know.
And travel; together we have made close to two trips a year for 19 years. Often there has been repeats of destination having family and friends spread all over Europe, the USA and in South America, plus trips we have made together to just see something new. Last year I started complaining that I knew Italy and France better than I know areas of the USA, and I wanted to start making some driving trips outside of the states where we have family..... so Camillo said pick a place..... You know that this is hard - there are
so many places in the USA that are spectacular but I had to choose just one.
I chose to start in the Northeast, driving up the Hudson Valley. It has taken nearly two years of discussion, delays, readjustments to timing and a change in a city to land - to get around to this trip, but today we leave for a 10 day drive through Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York State – finally landing in Adrian, Michigan to visit with my Mother. All of this is new territory for both of us. A few years back I drove from Houston to Virginia to Michigan and back with Marissa, crossing some of this area on the toll roads in Pennsylvania, and I enjoyed it - but we will try driving this new area using only state roads and back country roads, no reservations, no predetermined itinerary.
We will be looking for scenery, hopefully, we are not too early for fall color because that was our first objective. We will land in Washington DC, take one day in the city to see at least the National Mall with its many memorials, then drive north-by-northeast until we run into the Hudson valley. Three to 4 days in the Hudson valley, visiting a winery and Hyde Park the only planned stops. We have an idea of the route but not specifics. The only specifics is that we need to be in Adrian by the 25th for a family barbeque. Follow the trip with us, you will enjoy it.
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