Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers
For Sale

Friday, March 18, 2011

just in time for St. Pat’s day

All of December and most of January we had unusually warm temperatures and heavy rains.  Then the end of January through all of February we had little to no rain and almost hot weather up here in the mountains.  Just in time for carnival it started to rain again.  This means that I have been cooped up in the house, going only out the kitchen door and to the garage.  This week, on Monday, I went out in my small garden and found ....   in a large pot right outside my patio doors this beautiful Orchid.  Even if I’d not been paying attention Manuel has, this beauty was in a small pot in my green house, struggling to survive, and he put it into this large round pot and it now has 4 sprouts.  It should continue to bloom and to give me moment of pure joy for the next month.  My own Irish pot of gold.   Thank you Manuel.


  1. That is absolutely beautiful. Gonna try to get some color photos today. The sun has been out f or two days. Better not say that too loud. hum.

  2. What a lucky find; orchids have a reputation for being difficult to manage, but yours just pop up naturally.

    Your header pic looks almost like Oregon.

  3. Oh I loved this and it made me yearn to see something green and lush around here!

  4. What could be more Irish than the Pot of Gold - the leprechauns must have guided you to it. Love the slide show!

  5. Beautiful! I have three orchid plants in pots indoors, one of them has shot new flowers twice since I got it 2½ years ago.

  6. Oh MY!!! I adore orchid! That one is stunning! I don't think it would last long on my porch! Too cold up here! Lucky you!!!! Sarah :)

  7. Beautiful flower Ginger.
    Well done Manuel.

  8. May your orchid bloom full and plenty!

  9. I love orchids, but the do not do well in my locale.

  10. beautiful photos and flower!
    Bocca di leone [<=in Italian] always fascinated me...

  11. beautiful green Ginger. love it when plants are sprouting new growth.

  12. Who is luckier, you or the orchid? How wonderful that Manuel found it and repotted it!! It looks so beautiful and so full of life. You have your own pot of gold indeed. Just lovely!! =D
