Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers
For Sale

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring is here Scavenger Hunt

I looked and looked for a yellow rose photo – you know the song ‘The yellow rose of Texas’ -I just went to the Texas A&M University archives to get the words, I was going to give you a line of two, and wow it is so politically incorrect in today’s world that I had to drop that Idea….  I don’t have a photo of a yellow rose anyway.

In Missouri City we have so many parks, and many of them have a wetland or grassland reclamation, so Spring is a delight of wild flowers.  I’ve done a couple of posts on these flowers and look forward to not only showing you more, but finding their names also.  I have to go shopping for a book or two.  In the past posts (hypertext above), I have used almost my whole archive collection of  yellow Flowers, wild and cultivated, in south Texas,  so I had to go with what I could find this week at the garden center -DSC_4467



I had a beautiful plant on the front steps last fall, and here in proud declaration, standing tall, the first leaf, proof of life after this very cold winter.


And a new spring shoe to start my summer exercise program….

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Water and the Houston area

The Houston area being on a flood or drainage plane for 3 good sized rivers, and being crisscrossed with multiple man made drainage bayous, creeks and lakes, lends itself to many water related activities.  For your consideration just 3 of the many things you can do down on the gulf coast all year round -  DSC_3907
Spending the day fishing 
Hanging with friends
Taking a solitary walk
One thing for sure, nothing beats spending the day by the water.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

early morning

DSCN3469Early morning in Houston has a different meaning for me versus for most of the city’s other 4 plus million inhabitants.  For one, I am normally having a quiet coffee and reading the news, a book, Facebook until eight or so.  The rest of the city is on its way to work, to school, working in the DSCN3658garden, playing a game of golf ….. I could go on and on listing the things that I am not exposed to early in the morning; but from time to time I get motivated and go out to walk or hike, either alone, with the dog or with a group, and get lucky enough to catch few early morning rays, slanting, reflecting or slowing making their way through the Houston fog.  