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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love of city….

I have a love-hate relationship with Houston.  I am positive of this.  The only thing that holds me here is my family.  Sharing their ‘moments’ means the most; after that I can’t really bring up an immediate taste for anything here that could be called LOVE.  The last time I participated in a heart / love / valentines’ for FSO was February of 2012.  In that post I had the same dilemma and that time I said, “… But when thinking about places close to the heart, there I could make a list.  It won’t be a surprise to you that Brasil in general was not on my list of  places ‘close to the heart’.  Maybe the botanical gardens of Rio or the park of the sitting dog in Friburgo are two of my favorite places but close to the heart is a stretch.  No, they are just interesting places.  My list would include Adrian Michigan, Houston Texas, Paris France (and other French places) and most of Italy… and in conclusion I posted about a few things I love in Italy. 
It is interesting to me to see that I listed Houston on my ‘list of places close to the heart” while I was in Brasil.  I am sure, even though I didn’t analyze it at the time, that this has to do with Patty and the grands being here in Houston.  And now I would probably list Brasil as a place close to the heart; now that I am not there…. I know. I know….
Celebrating Marissa’s Eighteenth birthday.  (me, Marissa, Patty, and Carl
I thought that one way to go about this is to make another list.  A list of what I like about Houston.  Here it is just the way the thoughts popped out – then I went in search of the photos to help you see my words.
DSCN3147Blue sky, and hot sun. 
DSC_4389Water all around. 
DSC_4644Forests of trails in which to walk.
DSCN3202A city of art and music reaching for the sky


  1. Ah, Ginger, I know what you mean. I didn't start to love New Zealand until I returned after a few years back in my native Australia. For many years before I went home for a while I yearned for home. I came back to NZ because of my children and now wouldn't want to live anywhere other than where I live right now. I hope one day you, too, will find your happy place to settle. And I love your water photo.

  2. The skyscrapers look very good in that last image. But that beach scene has me also. There is truly a lot to love about Houston.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. you have shown us such beautiful images of your town.

  4. Beautiful images. When we learn to see we can find the beauty *almost* anywhere.

  5. Perhaps one could say that it's true both with people and places that there is a lot more to love and relationships than just physical beauty ;)

  6. I often think of Houston as a cow town, but you have shown plenty of culture in your pics. Now, Brazil and its towns is one place I've always wanted to visit.

  7. Ginger, I can totally relate. I don't really love Las Vegas either. I mean there are things I do like about living here, but for the most part, I wouldn't say I love anything about it. I don't like the desert. I know for many people, the desert is a beautiful landscape, but to me it is very boring. Anyway, I love your first photo very much. The perspective is very good. Did you get a new wide angle lens?

  8. It's always best to set down some roots where you are and turn face toward the sun. Your family certainly provides rich soil for the roots part and your eye for spotting beauty around every turn facilitates the need for fashionable sunglasses. Bravo.
