Wednesday, May 27, 2009

realized beauty in Houston

DSC_4282Yesterday while I waited for my temporary membership card to be issued at Bally's Fitness, I decided to walk around Memorial park. Memorial park is on Memorial drive practically in the shadow of downtown Houston. I have been walking this trail for over 30 years. CAN you believe it?
I used to go over on Sunday mornings and go around 2 times. It is 5.5km so just a little smaller than walking the Lagoa in Rio.
Yesterday morning it was cloudy, the air heavy with humidity, a typical summer DSC_4280morning in Houston and I did about 1 and a quarter way. There is now newly planted trees (a reforestation projected that is now matured), a golf course and club house in the center, a restaurant (Beck's Prime), a pool, tennis courts and dozens of soccer fields and contiguous to the park is a arboretum that I have yet DSC_4281to walk through. (can you believe it?) As the city has improved, enlarged and maintained the park, drinking fountains for man and beast have been added. There are benches tucked along way to sit with your lunch or to enjoy the birds enjoying the inner city forested area. I have had people in Rio tell me that they don't like Houston (Camillo doesn't for that matter) that it is a city with no personality. But for me it is a city that is clean and organized, it is loved and decorated with flowers in front of homes and businesses, it has color and texture - it is painted as home. The local 'mothers with twins' group out enjoying the morning at the park.    DSC_4283


  1. Very nice pictures and I love those twins strollers!

  2. Great blog. I enjoyed my visit.
    Thanks for the comment on my rose photo over on Pic A Theme. I love your paint the town red shots.


  3. I love the benches. I also loved the mothers with twins group and am pretty sure that somewhere there are three husbands who are sprawled on the couch watching sports on television.

  4. I think Houston is a beautiful place. Those trees are lovely. I especially love that snapshot of the bench. I seem to always be drawn to take pictures of benches and barns. You always take the best pics GingerV.
    I'll bet hot-bunns and Spritzer miss you like crazy :)

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  5. I have never been to Houston but after hearing how much you like it, I would love to go there some day. Ahhh, just too many places that I would love to see, and too little time. I should have gotten some kind of job that allowed me to travel more. I owe a campground and everyone ELSE does the traveling to us, but we are stuck here without much vacation! Thank goodness for blogs now, I can travel from my armchair and see the most fantastic places. Like Houston!!
