wow! 3 comments. I should ask for what I need more often. I wanted to add a bit of information about the marmalade and jellies I make. This is something new to me. I made bread and Cinnamon rolls, biscuits and cookies, and sometimes pies when my children were small but bread, biscuits and cookies have been sacrificed to control of mid-life spread. Homemade jam and jellies seem to be something I can make and eat here without breaking my own rules. I use only fruits from Brazil when in season so the price per kilo is under R$2.00 (except red plums that we can get here in the January/February from Argentina cheaper than the Brazilian plums sell for.) Using Brazilian fruit limits me to grape, plum and Jabuticaba jelly, strawberry preserves and citrus fruit marmalade. I make a batch only when the last one is gone. I keep in the refrigerator so I don't have to worry about spoilage.
I remember my grandmother's and mother's jams and have some memory of seeing them being made, but got my recipes from the Internet (Thank god for Internet)
our local oranges are sweet so I use about half the sugar in her recipe and I can never find jelly bags or cheese cloth so I use a new knee high nylon stockings for soaking the orange peel over night.
My efforts are not (ever) perfect but I enjoy very much knowing the results are mine. They always taste better than you can buy any where.