Flowers and more
Photos of plants and flowers, landscapes and people, and comments on experiences while traveling inside and outside of Brasil (Brazil)
Spring Flowers
For Sale
Friday, October 09, 2015
A new start
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Museums not far from Home,
For now, even with its incomplete restoration, a walk through the memorabilia was a real pleasure.
Friday, April 04, 2014
Out and about in Houston
“Out and About - Take us on a walk through your town. What are the sights you see when you are out doing your daily or weekly chores, or when you are out for some leisure? (by Barb)”
Had to smile at the idea of walking about my town, doing errands and seeing the sights. Incase anyone is confused because I post from “Houston”, that’s Houston Texas, then talk about Missouri City, or Galveston, and maybe thrown in from time to time,, Sugarland and even Rosenberg, it is because all these towns are butted up, side by side. The street names may change, and occasionally you can see a sign that says leaving Houston or entering Missouri City, but it is really one big city. Linked by highways and bayous, shopping malls and shopping strips; stretching, spread-out, proliferating. Reaching from the Gulf of Mexico to Huntsville, and from the Louisiana border to the prairie west of Katy this town is not something you stroll through seeing the sights.
There are places to walk about…. from the fringe of a parking lot to the store front is sometimes a good hike. During the Christmas holidays and other major shopping days, you are just as likely to have to drive to the fringe to park as to be lucky enough to find an empty spot up by the door. On those days shopping is good for your heart….
Even getting back to the milk and eggs at the supermarket may take you by surprise.
Generally the effort to get to the supermarket or to the movie theater is about a 15 to 25 minute drive; just like it might be for those of you who live out in the countryside. But this is just the amount of time it takes to get out of the neighborhood and head up the highway a bit. The days I meet my hiking group to walk the bayous or through the forest is about driving an hour or more (3) each direction. If I do get out and drive this time of year, I am rewarded with the Texas wildflowers that thrive along the highways.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Spring is here Scavenger Hunt
I looked and looked for a yellow rose photo – you know the song ‘The yellow rose of Texas’ -I just went to the Texas A&M University archives to get the words, I was going to give you a line of two, and wow it is so politically incorrect in today’s world that I had to drop that Idea…. I don’t have a photo of a yellow rose anyway.
In Missouri City we have so many parks, and many of them have a wetland or grassland reclamation, so Spring is a delight of wild flowers. I’ve done a couple of posts on these flowers and look forward to not only showing you more, but finding their names also. I have to go shopping for a book or two. In the past posts (hypertext above), I have used almost my whole archive collection of yellow Flowers, wild and cultivated, in south Texas, so I had to go with what I could find this week at the garden center -
I had a beautiful plant on the front steps last fall, and here in proud declaration, standing tall, the first leaf, proof of life after this very cold winter.
And a new spring shoe to start my summer exercise program….