Saturday, May 04, 2013

Outside of Houston City Limits

DSC_4539The area surrounding Missouri City DSC_4548(my new home base) is dotted with oil wells, new and old.   Some days you can smell the fresh pumped oil well before passing it by. “Black gold, Texas Tea”
A few years back an artist friend of mine, Silvia Pinto Souza, took time from her busy schedule to ride out into the countryside over on my side of town.  She is always in search of a photo that someday might inspire a painting or even better a series of paintings.  I enjoyed the day, stopping and starting, taking shots that I found interesting while she found colors and textures that pleased her eye.  I think I may have posted about this photo shoot before but I didn’t go back and hunt it down,  so if you remember any of these photos my apologies. 
Today a few of the machines, in my own back yard, that bring up the oil that fuels the Houston economy.  These pumps sit amongst rough fields, grazing cattle and sleek horses.  There are some pretty crude barns, and ill-kept tanks and many a dot of spilt oil.  I can see why conservationist fight having wells put onto pristine parklands. 
DSC_4559DSC_4551    DSC_4561
DSC_4571  DSC_4572  DSC_4583
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DSC_4569  DSC_4594


  1. Great old machines. I love the way the rust looks.

  2. great examples of machinery, they help us drive our cars. my favoirte photo today is the cows at the bottom, God's machinery and Mankind's machines... i love old rusty things and never miss the chance to photograph them. you found a lot here.

  3. Hi Ginger so glad to see your post. I love the rusty old things also. Love the cow shot too.

  4. Cool machinery, some of them I've never seen before.

  5. great post on machines and conservation of the land. have a great weekend!

  6. I remember the machinery from my days at the Houston Health Department, around 1968. I was doing an internship from the University of North Carlina at Chapel Hill. Great memories!

  7. I love this topic and the range of machinery it has produced. I'm struck by the contrast between Scriptor's bright, shiney, luxury machines and your solid, servicable, practical machines. Great shoot out!

  8. respect for these great pics!

    best wishes

    juliett triller
