Friday, July 27, 2012

Colors – this time of year are hard to find.

This time of year, the equivalent of the end of January in the Northern Hemisphere, is drab 005 (3)and dreary in the Nova Friburgo area.  The weather has been cold and wet, and now that the sun is shining it has been very dry.  Our tropical forest is in between blooming cycles, no flowering trees and the pines that surround the house are loosing their dry, brown needles.  Downtown the stores still have winter drab in their windows; browns, grays, and dark greens.  Yuck!    No new summer dresses in bright cheerful colors, no shoes to match.

My adjustment period, after returning from summer time in Houston and Adrian, is being hampered by all this drabness.  In Houston the storefronts were blinding in their colors. Shoes and shirts, dresses and household things, all in bright oranges and blues, greens and red, and displayed in groups of contrasting and complimentary colors.  All intended to catch your eyes, and help open your wallet…..

Oh how I am missing the shopping, the colors but mostly missing the family.

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023OOPS what happened to her dress? Changing out to new fall styles and colors – and forgot the 360’ view.


   And finally, from Nova Friburgo I spotted some complementary colors.


  1. I love seeing so many colours in your photos, I'm just crazy for bright colours! Good thing it's always fashionable here to be in bright colours.

  2. I know the problem - it's all about the drabness of winter here too - except it is wet as well. But the colours in your shots are wonderfully alive and vibrant, would chase away any winter blues.

  3. It might as well be winter here. It is so dry all the green grass is brown in most places. I just heard last night Olympics coming to Rio? I bet they are already working on it.

  4. Oh I love the bright cheery colors in your post. I didn't realize it was part of the FMTSO until in the middle. Wonderful shots. Sorry it's so drab in in Brazil right now.

    I like the new format of you blog. It looks good and easy on the eyes.

  5. You managed to find some great upbeat colours. Soon it will be spring again and you'll have plenty to choose from. Perhaps we should run this challenge again then :)

  6. Wish I could send you some of our color. Our area seems to have *something* in bloom all year long, which I adore. I'll try to get out and photograph some to post soon...I have reds & pinks in my yard right now. LOVE the colorful rain boots, though!
