Friday, December 17, 2010

Back in Rio–My Town Friday Shoot-out RED

SAM_3267Finally I am Home  Today I arrive back in Friburgo.   I got into Rio @ 10am Sunday morning and got out of the Airport @ 12:20 – YES! 2 hours 20 minutes to pick up bags and to go through the NOTHING to declare line in customs – that is a laugh to even divide into declare / no declare.  There is not a Brasilian entering the country that will give an honest declaration of taxable items / the customs police should know better.   Believe me when I say I WAS SEEING RED!  There is no way they will be able to handle the world cup and the Olympics which anticipated an influx of a million visitors. 

The last time MTFSO did SAM_3255RED, I was in Houston. I started out with the intent to see if I could find comparable reds in Rio but I believe  orange and yellow are more common here.  There are red accent walls in restaurants and stores, red signs to catch your eye, to sell you something but the majority of red was Christmas type stuff…  and isn’t Christmas next week?

This years tree in the Lagoa did have a RED in its cycle, along with a blue and a gold.  (only this one Christmas item will be shown.)


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Under fluorescents, which have a blue color the reds turn to pick, but I swear, cross my heart all of these items were RED.  Loja Americanas is a Brasilian version  -  what they think is a version - of Kmart or Target department stores -  except the isles are congested with piles of STUFF and there is no way to figure out how to find things.  They do have plenty of cosmetics and, can you believe it, glass pie pans.  But I’ve never figured out anything else.  (don’t tell Camillo, they also have easy to find chocolates!)

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There are floors painted RED in the school yard, and Store fronts with RED awnings, intersections painted RED and commuters turning RED trying to get home for the night.

SAM_3243   There is even a RED surfboard for the chicest of surfers….. SAM_3164oops what is that….?  How did that photo get slipped in here?   Has Bagman been in my computer?  It looks like there isn’t any red in that photos…. just a special little baby girl being held by a proud GGramma – maybe gramma has redeye from her long trip & arrival back from the states that morning.   


  1. Welcome home. Sorry it was a drama.

    Welcome home.

  2. Baby trumps all...who cares if there is red in that photo.


  3. That red and pink bag/shoes sure make me stop in my track if I'm there!

  4. Oh that is a long flight isn't it? Get some rest! I can't believe you managed to post today, but I'm glad that you did. I am crazy about that red school yard.
    Your comment about Brazilian readiness for the Olympics and World Cup is funny; did you watch 60 Minutes last Sunday, in which Brazil was described as an economic powerhouse but not a serious country?

  5. That third girl is so beautiful.

    Congrates Grandma,.

  6. I like that christmas tree so much. and the street of rio plus the red surfboard. I am a grandfather as well.

  7. Kerry, No, I didn’t see 60 minutes. I wish I had to hear exactly what was said. It sounds as though someone didn’t do their homework, but would have to hear the explanations to understand what was being said. This is a serious country. Maybe not the same way China is, who intends to take over the 3rd world for their resources, or a strong and aggressive military power like the USA but they are serious about being ‘equal’ and being ‘world leaders’. There are very serious historical problems to overcome – to me it seems that curing the economic problems was the right starting place and they seem to have done that – now onto equal education and opportunities for the chronically poor. Petrobras is the 4th largest oil company in the world. Has started a night school for its service personnel, and sends its promising technicians for Bach/masters then for doctorates in oil and gas, engineering, & alternative powers. They are already leader in hydroelectric power and will be supplier for all of southern South America soon. Sounds like a serious country to me.
    Thanks for your comments on my sporadic posts.

  8. Ann, they all are beautiful, the first on the left is our granddaughter Natasha. but not many of my photos came out clear... we were in the balcony.

  9. fantastic photos, love the Christmas tree, and yep! the baby wins. so precious. Merry Christmas!

  10. I love the picture of the dancers!!! They are gorgeous and Natasha is just sweet. You must be glad to be home even if you had to wait for so long to tell them you had nothing to declare. It's nice to put a face to the name. I like to see a picture of the author once in a while!

  11. thank you Kim. yes seeing each other is great. in most my photos I am talking, unusual to see me with my mouth shut / speechless. ;)
