Saturday, April 25, 2009

The winter sea in Rio

and then the waves were BIG (6) A few years ago my Granddaughter Marissa visited with me for a full summer vacation.... Her summer vacation but here in Rio it was winter. To me this is the very best time to be here. The air is moderate during the day and every once in a while you may need a light jacket in the evening. This particular year I went down to the shore for a walk and found it empty of people and a storm at sea was driving the waves to a frenzy. I remember running (well walking fast) back to the apartment and pulling Marissa out, saying she had to see this, she HAD to come. Here is one of our short videos for you to experience the winter sea in Rio
Winter Sea on Ipanema
We spent an hour taking photos of the sea, the waves and the deserted beach.
 DSC00952 (2)and then the waves were BIG (21)
Generally during the heat of the summer the sea off the beach of Ipanema is rather placid, the waves roll in, the waves roll out.
In the winter the waves come in from the opposite direction, at times pounding the shore and leaving a pool of water that you can walk through, dragging your feet as you enjoy the sun warmed sea water.


  1. It is mid April and already as hot as blazes here on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Spring was here for a couple of days. We envy you the coming of winter. Of course, when winter actually and the propane bills start again, we will speak differently.

  2. I really enjoyed your story of the stormy waves rolling in on the beach, and watching the video clip made me real homesick for the NJ beach. I miss being closer to an ocean. Nothing beats the sound of the waves coming in, no matter placid ones for rolling stormy ones. There simply is nothing like the ocean! Nice post. debby

  3. I love beaches out of season - we go to Cornwall in winter and it's so much nicer than when it's bustling.

    And you have a deal on the jam/scones - when are you coming to visit with your jam?? I make great scones! :)

  4. Great video - your granddaughter is just beautiful! I wish I lived near the water:)

  5. GingerV.........this is spectacular girl!!! That pic of Marissa with her arms held skyward and the rolling sea in fron of her is priceless. I love when you post your beautiful flowers but it's the 'more' part of flowers and more that touches my heart. Thank you for sharing beautiful Brasil and your life with us.
    You're wonderful :)

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  6. That last picture of the over-shot mountain in Rio may be the best ever! Reminds me to fight my tendency to ignore my camera when the sun is not out.

  7. I love the sea...great photos!

  8. I visited Rio three years in a row in July ---winter there ---and never saw anything like this. We had some rainy days, but then it would warm up enough to go to the beach.

    The sound of the ocean is so powerful on the video.
